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PT's career of the week is SPORT and FITNESS(体育和健康领域). A:What kind of jobs in this field are there in your city? -------- B:What role does technology play in this type of career?
Raymond:In sport and fitness, technology is necessary for people in modern lives. As the development of technology, some scientists create equipment to measure the health indexes. For example, they use them to measure the number of beats per minute when running, people can change the speed of running during the process according to the indexes in that way. Therefore, people can know the conditions of the bodies, that is important for them to adjust the amount of exercise in order to keep fit. Over exercises are not good for human bodies.(2014-12-24)
Sunny:In this type of career, technology plays an important role. There are so many sports centers that have been using technology to record costumers' information and personal health problems. In addition, some facilities have already used technology, like the running machines. The coaches also test our physical condition by using technology. It is convenient and easy to record.(2014-12-22)
Connie:From my own perspectives, traditional fitness equipment may do harm to our bodies if we are not careful enough when doing sports. However, as the technical fitness equipment, it will be more perfect, so people won't get injured as easily as before. Additionally, it will be easier for people who want to achieve their aims of keeping fit.(2014-12-22)
Kyle:I think that technology can help people keep fit and make them healthy in a shorter time.
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